Headline about partnership include AI

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Customer lifetime value


Increase in sales


Reduction in cancellations


Meaningful, positive communication with customers, colleagues, and family alike is vital in today’s world. AT&T and Afiniti’s long-standing collaboration optimizes remote customer interactions for America’s largest wireless network and marks the largest enterprise AI partnership.

AT&T has deployed Behavioral Pairing across its retention, sales, billing, and service queues that span its mobility, broadband, and video product lines with the goal of acquiring new customers and maximizing long-term customer value.

The Story

Afiniti and AT&T’s relationship dates back to 2013, when Afiniti first launched a pilot in DirecTV’s retention queue. After expanding across additional sites, Afiniti became intertwined with AT&T when the latter purchased DirecTV in 2015. Afiniti continued optimizing DirecTV’s retention queue and added their “sales to service” queue in 2016.

Following a successful broadband Wireline sales pilot, the first AT&T-specific queue went live in 2019. This quickly expanded across Wireline to include retention, mobility, and ISM, and meant that 25,000 agents were now being connected to customers they were most likely to have a rapport with.

Afiniti and AT&T’s relationship dates back to 2013, when Afiniti first launched a pilot in DirecTV’s retention queue. After expanding across additional sites, Afiniti became intertwined with AT&T when the latter purchased DirecTV in 2015. Afiniti continued optimizing DirecTV’s retention queue and added their “sales to service” queue in 2016.

AT&T and Afiniti’s successful partnership is built on Afiniti’s tight integration with AT&T’s data and systems. Over twenty-four different telephony, outcome, contextual, and agent data feeds fuel our AI engine and integrations, allowing us to pair customers with employees with the utmost accuracy.

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John Doe, CEO, Company name

About AT&T

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About AT&T

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